Ordering Multiple Beneficiary Cards

This article is intended for ABLE customers.

If you are an Authorized Legal Representative (ALR) who assists more than one beneficiary, please email our team at card@stableaccount.com (for STABLE accounts) or ablecard@truelinkfinancial.com for all other ABLE accounts to request an additional card.

In your email, please confirm whether you will need either:

  • A card that will be used by you (the ALR) on behalf of the beneficiary;
  • A card that will be used directly by the beneficiary*; or
  • Both a card for the ALR and a card for the beneficiary*

*Cardholders are required to be over the age of 18. If the  beneficiary of your account is under the age of 18, you will only be able to request a card for yourself on behalf of the beneficiary. 

Please also share the following information about your account:

  • ABLE Account number 
  • ALR Name:
  • ALR DOB:
  • Beneficiary Name:
  • Beneficiary DOB:
  • ALR home address:
  • Beneficiary home address:
  • Shipping address:
  • Shipping speed (regular or expedited)**:

**If you need your card(s) sooner than 6-9 business days, our card printing vendor also offers expedited UPS shipping with a 3-4 business day delivery timeline. The cost of this service is $30, which is charged to the card balance.

Our team will then place the card order(s) on your behalf, and you will be able to view and manage all cards from your existing log-in.

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